Visiting Us

The Consecration of the Human Being (communion service, not intended for children) is celebrated at 10:30 AM on Sunday, and 9:00 AM on Wednesday.

The Sunday Service for Children is held every Sunday. We gather to prepare for the service with singing and a story at 9:30 (unless otherwise scheduled); the children's service begins at 10:00 AM. Note: this is intended for grade school-aged children. Parents are welcome to sit in with younger children.

For special services and programming during festival seasons, see our calendar here.


What To Expect

The mood of our worship service is reverent and quiet, but our social life is vibrant and lively! We have live instrumental music at every Sunday service and a choir that accompanies each festival.

  • All are welcome to come forward when the priest indicates that communion is offered. All who wish to are invited to line up along the communion step in front of the altar. The priest (or priests) come down to the communion line to offer the consecrated bread and wine (non-alcoholic). This is followed by a blessing of peace to each individual.

  • There are two servers who support the priest at the altar. One of them speaks all of the verbal responses on behalf of the congregation.

  • There are several times throughout the service when the priest and the congregation cross themselves. The priest makes a large sun-cross (Celtic cross), whilst the servers, and those congregants who choose to, make three crosses: over the forehead, over the mouth and larynx, and the final one over the heart.


It is helpful to arrive with plenty of time to hang up your coat, enter the church, and make your way into the chapel.

We provide childcare during the adult service for kindergarten and grade school children beginning at 10:15. Please contact one of the priests to let us know ahead of time if you will be needing childcare.

If our parking lot is full, please find a spot on one of the nearby side streets.

Our church is wheelchair accessible.


Contact us

15 Margetts Road, Chestnut Ridge*,
New York 10952

(*GPS location = Monsey)

Rev. Anna Silber
(917) 882-5679