Our Priest



I grew up in Los Angeles, California and made my way to New York following my wish to study the work of Rudolf Steiner and to further my career in finance. Before long, the world of Waldorf education felt too important to pass up. I became a Waldorf teacher and eventually worked with aspiring teachers in training at Sunbridge Institute.

As I walked a path of discipleship, my relationship to the sacraments at the Christian Community deepened and I felt called to serve Christ in a new way. I attended the Seminary of the Christian Community here in Spring Valley and was ordained in May of 2021. I live in Chestnut Ridge with my husband and two daughters.

The Board of Trustees

The Board is responsible for the financial and legal health of the congregation.

Dorothea Foerster - President

Gail Ritscher - Secretary

Rachel Batzell - Treasurer

Renate Kurth

Christiane Landowne

Anna Silber

The Carrying Group

The Carrying Group is a group of people who meet regularly and actively participate in carrying the life of the congregation.

Lady Carter

Maria ver Ecke

Christiane Landowne

Sally Willig

Dhruva Corrigan

Wendy Matus

Anna Silber