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Foundations of Christian Esotericism

Participants can sign up for the whole Friday program or sign up for individual elements – but advanced registration is very helpful to us.

9:00 AM The Act of Consecration of Man

10:00 – 11.15 AM Study of Founding a Science of the Spirit, with Paul Newton

This cycle of lectures by Rudolf Steiner (originally known in English as At the Gates of Spiritual Science) is an accessible introduction to the Christian esotericism of Rudolf Steiner. We will continue this study with Lecture 6. Participants are asked to please read the lecture in advance.

11:45 AM – 1:00 PM The Conditions of Esoteric Training, with Anna Silber
The fifth chapter of Rudolf Steiner's How to Know Higher Worlds helps us develop healthy foundations for any path of inner development.

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Eurythmy with Maria ver Eecke

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Tracing the Thread of Esotericism through the History of Christianity, with Donna Simmons

Over six sessions we will gallop through 2000 years of Christianity's history, focused on particular aspects of esotericism. We will look at the evolution of heresies; Neoplatonism; the various splits in the Church; the relationship between the individual and the Church--and much more! A core question weaving through the entire course is “What is the relevance of all of this to us as modern Christians/anthroposophists?”

There is no set fee for the sessions but your freewill donations will be very gratefully received.

For further information or to register, please contact Paul Newton,, (845) 517-4101 or Anna Silber,, (917) 882-5679

March 1

Mardi Gras Potluck Supper and Games

March 7

Monday Night Music Salon