Our Offerings For Children

 The Sunday Service for Children

The Sunday Service for Children is an age-appropriate service for children in 1st grade up through confirmation age, which typically happens in 8th grade. Younger children are welcome to sit with their parents for the service. We gather at 9:15 AM for singing and a story followed by the children’s service at 9:50 AM.

Please speak to one of the priests if you need childcare during the adult service that follows at 10:30 AM.

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  • Baptism

    The sacrament of baptism is offered for children from newborns up to confirmation age, which is 14. This sacrament welcomes the child into the religious community, represented particularly by the godparents. Please contact one of the priests if you would like to discuss baptism for your child.

  • Confirmation

    Confirmation takes place at the age of 14 as a rite of passage, bringing Christ’s light and strength to human beings as they take the step from childhood to youth and begin to seek their own path into life. Confirmation Preparation classes take are offered for children in 7th and 8th grades. Confirmations are celebrated each year during the 40 days of Easter, as they take steps toward confirmation.

  • Summer Camps

    Registration for our East Coast summer camp is open! Our 2-week camp is for rising 4th - 8th graders. It takes place on a beautiful lake in NE Pennsylvania. Click here for the Camp Harmony Lake website.